Version 1.0, October 2021
The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. are now accepting news articles from members to help promote kinesiology to the wider community. Accepted articles will be published on the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. public website with links to your profile and social media pages. We do ask for payment for this service that wholly pays for an external professional editor to edit and refine your work to ensure the highest quality information is presented to the public.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get your writing published, promote kinesiology and drive traffic to the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. website which in turn, benefits Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. members by providing more exposure to the ‘Find a Practitioner’ and ‘Find an Instructor’ functions
Benefits to you
By writing about kinesiology, you can add to your marketing strategy by gaining exposure on a reputable and heavily visited website. You will also be regarded as having expertise in the field of kinesiology. The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. may also promote your article on our social media channels and newsletters (note that your work may be modified).
You can also promote your article on your own social media channels and newsletters to your clientele.
Terms, Conditions and Guidelines
By submitting an article, you are agreeing to these terms, conditions and guidelines.
- Only Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. members may submit an article for consideration.
- The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. may approve or decline your article submission with or without feedback.
- You must only write about content you are qualified to discuss.
Content guidelines
- The article must be directed to the general public. Any articles directed at kinesiologists will be forwarded to the editor of In Touch for possible inclusion in the quarterly magazine.
- The article should be between 400-1200 words.
- The title should include a key word that encapsulates the essence of the article.
- Try to incorporate an introduction and conclusion to assist with good content structure.
- The article must not be promotional in any way. You may promote yourself in your bio, but it must be brief (approximately 100 words).
- All content must be your own work, plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Any references to other people’s work should be fully referenced and preferably utilise APA7 format.
- All work should comply with the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc.’s mission, vision, scope of practice and codes of conduct.
- The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. reserves the right to refuse any content, partial or whole.
- Images should be your own original work else you must have permission to use the image. Images labelled as available for reuse are acceptable.
- Images must be under 400kb in size each.
- Both the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. and the external editor reserve the right not to use submitted images and include other or additional images
Reproducing the article
- The article must be published on the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. website first, before it is published elsewhere.
- You may publish the article in another location, provided the first paragraph is a short blurb to state what the article is about, followed by the words ‘originally published on’, linking to your published article. This ensures you and the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. are not penalised by SEO algorithms for duplicate content.
As the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. is largely volunteer run, a condition of submitting your article is that you pay a small fee ($30) that funds an external editor to edit your work.
- By submitting your article for consideration, you agree to the external editor making amendments to any and all parts of your work. You will have an opportunity to revise these amendments before publishing, however the fee will not be refunded.
- Ensure your Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. profile is up to date with your social links such as Facebook etc. as these will display on your profile automatically.
- Please limit your submissions to once per month.
- The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. reserves the right to change these terms, conditions, and guidelines at any time. It is the responsibility of the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. member to keep up to date with these changes.