AKA Management Committee

The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. is governed by the AKA Management Committee which is elected annually.

2022-2023 Management Committee members

Alice Bullivant


Alice has been a member of the AKA since 2017, and is currently a Level 2 RSKP member.

Alice graduated from the College of Complementary Medicine in early 2015 with Diplomas in Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine, and then went on to study an Advanced Diploma in Complementary Medicine with the same college.

Since opening her business, KinesiAlice, Alice has built up her business from a home-based hobby business into a full-time clinic at Riverstone, NSW, where she shares a thriving practice with a psychology business.

Alice is also a twice-published author, corporate wellness facilitator (currently with a large pharmaceutical company!), retreat facilitator, meditation instructor, and workshop facilitator, especially for those newer to working in natural therapies and running a business.

Alice has developed a small range of her own essential oils and aromatherapy products and has also had additional training in tissue salts and essences.

Alice is a wife and a mother to two kids aged 15 and 11.  Her 15 year old is the reason she discovered kinesiology and she is grateful every day that he led her to this path, and for the many lessons she has learned on her journey so far.

Alice comes from a corporate background, having worked with a large pharmaceutical company and for a large fast food corporation, and is also a qualified audiometrist.

Alice has variously been a volunteer coordinator, facilitator and worker bee for corporates, schools, dance schools and sports clubs, and believes that all her varied experience over life serves her well to step into a role with the AKA, and is looking forward to getting to know everybody.

Alice loves her work, and loves to learn, and can’t wait to learn more from our members.

Sean Tume


Sean has long had a passion for the energetic nature of our world and how we as humans interact with it.

This interest was stimulated by his father, leading him to studies and training accreditation as a lecturer in Laser, Magnetic Therapies and EAV. He has been a strong advocate of training and recognition in these areas and is now working towards completion of his studies as a Touch for Health Consultant.

Sean is also studying a Bachelor of Complementary Medicine and a Bachelor of Nutrition to complement his Kinesiological studies.

Sean looks forward to being an active member of the committee and is excited to be involved with the further evolution of Kinesiology in these changing times. He also looks forward to assisting the association with any new challenges that the future may bring, whilst learning more about the science and art of Kinesiology.

Gail Medland


Gail is a Level 4 KIP Member with the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. and has been a member since 2012.

Gail is currently serving on the 2022-2023 AKA Management Committee as Secretary.  Gail previously served on the AKA Management Committee from 2014 to 2018 and 2021 to 2022, mainly in the role of Secretary, as well as taking on the Treasurer role for a short period of time.

Gail’s working history involves over 25 years of office administration. Gail has been studying a bachelor of psychological science and counselling since 2018 and is due to graduate in the later part of 2022.

Gail practices kinesiology from her home based clinic, as well as a local wellness centre and is using the information she is learning from her bachelor degree, to enhance her kinesiology practice. Gail is excited to bring her experience to the current management committee and keep the AKA progressing in a modern and supportive way for its members.

Nikki Barrett

Ordinary Member

Nikki Barrett has been a member of the Australian Kinesiology Association since 2017. She is a Level V Member as well as a Mentor, Supervisor and Registered Instructor.

Nikki graduated from the College of Vibrational Healing in 2013 with a Diploma in Kinesiology and set up her business, Revelation Kinesiology the same year. Nikki ran her clinic at Beach Street Centre, in Merimbula – a holistic practice with an excellent array of therapists, including holistic doctor, holistic dentists, nutritionist, osteopath, remedial massage therapist … a wonderful supportive environment.

Nikki became a Kinergetics Instructor in 2015, eventually teaching to Level 6 Kinergetics. Nikki taught the modality in Australia, Europe and the Middle East.

In 2014 Nikki completed her Diploma in Integrated Healing. She fell in love with the modality and became the organiser for the workshops in Australia, the UK, Dubai, Ireland and Canada, a massive learning curve for someone with no experience in promotion or organising. Nikki has been responsible for the accreditation of many of the modules as well as re-accreditation of others, with the AKA and also overseas . Since 2019 Nikki has been an Instructor for IH and focusses much of her time on teaching, travelling and promoting the workshops.

In Clinic, Nikki combines her Kinesiology skills with her qualifications in Magnified Healing (Master Teacher), Level II Reiki as well as in RESTORE a process designed by Nikki to realign the body and re-ignite vitality. Clinic these days is wherever Nikki is travelling – she regularly travels around Australia with her husband seeing clients from the “Travelling Roadshow” caravan.

Irene Oram

Ordinary Member

Having joined the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) in 1994 as an Associate Member; Irene has held Professional registration since 1996.

In October 1995 Irene became a committee member of the WA Branch and served continuously on that body until August 2010 including seven years as State President.

In 1998 Irene was elected as the WA representative on the AKA National Committee (NC), and served continuously until October 2010. In 2001 Irene was elected as Secretary to the NC and continued that role until 2007. In 2010 Irene was elected as Chair of the NC on the early resignation of the previous incumbent.

Irene had a very active role in providing input into the revised AKA Constitution which was adopted in 1999, and also provided input into Branch responses to the previous constitution in 1995.

Irene was conference convenor for the 2005 AKA conference held in Perth and co-convenor for the 2011 AKA conference held in Fremantle. She has also presented at several Kinesiology Conferences in Australia and internationally.

Irene is an AKA accredited course author, having written “Healing Innately” to train practitioners in use of her Innate Healing Essences range of indigenous Western Australian flower essences. Irene is also co-author of “Transforming DNA Memories” which she taught at The Health Arts College in Melbourne for ten years.

With over 25 years working in State and Federal Government Departments, Irene brings an excellent grasp of legislation as well as the principles of effective governance. Irene brings a wealth of experience and looks forward to being a part of the Management Committee, supporting the Australian Kinesiology Association to even greater strengths.